
$$ \Huge \textbf {Chan Lee} \\ \newline \small Graduate \space Student - South \space Korea $$

Hello there! My name is Chan Lee, and I am a graduate student at the Compiler Research Laboratory (Corelab) at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.

I have a research interest in processing-in-memory (PIM), compiler optimization, and approximate computing, with a particular focus on advancing PIM architectures through innovative optimization techniques. My current work revolves around enhancing the efficiency of PIM systems by minimizing data movement overhead, improving memory access patterns, and refining computational models to leverage in-memory execution effectively. By integrating compiler-driven strategies and approximation methods, I aim to maximize the performance and energy efficiency of PIM architectures, making them more suitable for high-performance applications in domains like LLM, Deep Learning.


📩 [email protected]

🌐 corelab@yonsei

🗺️ Seoul, Korea




<aside> <img src="attachment:46a01e87-8cf8-4ca8-98b3-f6bc18fbef39:linkedin_480px.png" alt="attachment:46a01e87-8cf8-4ca8-98b3-f6bc18fbef39:linkedin_480px.png" width="40px" /> @chan-corelab



2024.03 - Present

Study | Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

M.S./Ph.D. Student, Advisor: Prof. Hanjun Kim

Research Project: “Compiler Optimization for Processing-in-Memory”

2018.03 - 2024.03

Study | Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering


2024.03 - Present

Working Position | Research Assistant

Compiler Research Laboratory (Corelab), Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2023.01 - 2024.03

Working Position | Undergraduate Research Assistant

Compiler Research Laboratory (Corelab), Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Teaching Assistant | EEE2113: Electrical and Electronic Engineering 101, Spring 2023


Award | Academic Excellence Award, Honors and Awards - Honors, Spring 2023


**Approximation-based Inter-PE Communication-free Image Filtering for Commodity PIM (Poster) (To Appear)

Chan Lee**, Shinnung Jeong, Heelim Choi, Jaeho Lee, Haeeun Jeong, Hoyun Youm, Ju Min Lee, and Hanjun Kim Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Design Automation Conference 2025 (DAC)

SPID-Join: A Skew-resistant Processing-in-DIMM Join Algorithm Exploiting the Bank- and Rank-level Parallelisms of DIMMs [abstract] (ACM) (To Appear)

Suhyun Lee, Chaemin Lim, Jinwoo Choi, Heelim Choi, Chan Lee, Kwanghyun Park, Hanjun Kim, and Youngsok Kim Proceedings of the 2025 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), June 2025.